After a great few weeks on tour with Foodhub and their inflatable products, the university fresher tour has ended. See below of how we operated at the last final days and images of each location at the end.
Nottingham On-Site
A great day to start the week, with sunny skies and calm winds. Bloon set up the Foodhub food truck into some shelter by a main link bus stop. This allowed all people queuing for the bus or coming off to engage with Foodhubs staff and download the app. Bloon used a similar set up with the truck as all the usual with inflatable columns and branded table covers.
With some negation from the site manager Bloon were able to inflate the giant inflatable duck on a grass patch at the entrance of the Student Union. When set up the duck towered over site and had students coming out just to take pictures with it. This had definitely proven that giant inflatable increase engagement.
Bristol On-Site
A difficult day for engagement due to weather and location but Bloon and Foodhub always push to get results! As footfall was not great in the area we had been provided Bloon set up the Foodhub food truck between two of the main student campus building. Bloon also used the inflatable event cube and branded table cover to create an indoor set up to increase the engagement with students. After a slow start, the message got around the campus that Foodhub were on site giving out free products in exchange for app downloads.
Manchester On-Site
For the final day on the tour was another wet and windy day but this did not stop Bloon and Foodhub and from pushing students to download the app. Due to the weather and spacing limitations Bloon were not able to operate any inflatables on this site. To drive footfall past the truck Bloon set up the Foodhub food truck by the entrance of the student halls.