Bloon recently tethered a Hot Air Balloon at Painshill Park in Cobham. Painshill Park wanted to create a unique experience for guests of the parks and their park directors. Across the two days of tethering, guests of the park were able to join the pilot in the basket and have a tethered ride to see the sights across the park.
As all Hot Air Balloon and Aerial Marketing operations, these are weather dependent. In the occasion that the weather is not suitable to tether the Hot Air Balloon, the team make the best effect to ensure guests are still receiving the best experience. This is done by giving informative talks inside the cold air inflated balloon. Allowing guests to see the inner working of the balloon and get a perspective of its sheer size. The basket can also be stood up and rigged so guest can take photos inside the basket. Also receiving information on how baskets are made and how the burners work to make the balloon fly.
If you would like more information on Hot Air Balloon Tether or Hire, Contact a Bloonist today.