Naked Solar recently recontacted Bloon for another Sun Replica. Bloon previously produced a 2.5m Sealed Air Sun Replica. This was used as a display item in the entrance of their show room.
The original Sun worked great over the years but now Naked Solar wanted to take it to the next level. Instead of the Sealed Air Inflatable. Naked Solar opted for a Cold Air version produced out of our woven material and fitted with extra bright lighting.
The woven material allows the Sun to be printed in much more detail and vibrant colours. The internal fan helps keep the balloon constantly inflated without the need to top up the air, as the sealed air version needed. New lighting was fitted to ensure the Sun stood out even on the brightest of days. The cold air production allows lighting to be removed or added depending on the requirements on the inflatable.
Contact a Bloonist to discuss how to make your brand stand out.