Royal Parks Half Marathon with RBC

Branded Helium Sphere at Royal Parks Marathon at Hyde Park in London

For another year running Bloon have operated Royal Bank of Canada branded helium spheres at the Royal Parks Half Marathon in London. Royal Bank of Canada are the presenting sponsors and make the most of our branded helium spheres by having 2 on-site over the weekend, which includes a children’s race around Hyde Park. The […]

Manchester Pride 2023

6m Giant Inflatable Helium Pig Flying at Manchester Pride 2023

Bloon was delighted to be the only supplier and operator of inflatable Parade Balloons at Manchester Pride 2023. Manchester Pride is regarded as one of the most popular Pride events along with London and Brighton. Bloon has supported all of these events with multiple inflatables in all shapes and sizes. Manchester Pride parade took place […]

Strath Union Inflatable Duck

2m Inflatable Duck on Display at Strath Union Freshers Event

Bloon was recently contacted by Strath Union to produce a 2m Tall Inflatable Duck as a Mascot to be used across Freshers and through out university events. The 2m Inflatable Duck is a similar inflatable to the giant 10m Inflatable Duck we produced and operate for Foodhub. This inflatable duck is a cold air inflatable […]

Pokemon Go Festival 2023

Pokemon Go 3m Helium Sphere at Brockwell Park for Pokemon Go Festival

After a very success pre event at Potters Field park in London, Bloon had been requested to take the 3m Sphere to Brockwell Park to be apart of the main Pokemon Go Festival. The Pokemon Go Festival lasted for 3 days over a long weekend. Encouraging people from all over the UK and the world […]

London Pride 2023

helium cube balloon, helium cube, cube balloon, pride inflatable, pride parade, parade balloon,

Another year for Bloon at London Pride and this was one of the best yet! Being the main provider of inflatables and advertising products was no easy task but the Bloon team smashed it out of the park once again. Bloon provided Start and Finish Inflatable Columns for the main Parade route. These Inflatable Columns […]

Pokemon Go – Potters Field Park

Helium Sphere branded for Pokemon Go Tethered at Potters Field Park in London.

Bloon recently had the honor of working the Pokemon Go at their pre-event for the Pokemon Go Festival in Central London. Bloon produced a 3m Sphere with Pokemon Go branding on each side, that was tethered over the duration of the day whilst multiple activities took place. The pre-event took place at Potterfield Park in […]

Amazon Prime Day in London

Inflatable Sphere Pantone Matched for Amazon Prime Helium Filled inside Head Office

After the great success of their Prime Day in Manchester, Amazon wanted to step up the level at their main Head Office in London using their helium inflatables. With more exciting elements planned for the event day and in an even more iconic location, Prime Day was sure to be a great event. Bloon planned […]

Naked Solar – Sun Replica

inflatable sun, inflatable sun hire, advertising inflatable planet, inflatable solar planet.

Naked Solar contacted Bloon, wanting to make the their main store a bit more exciting. What best way to do that than have a giant inflatable sun replica in the entrance! The inflatable sun replica is 3m in size and has internal lighting fitted so on them darker days it can light up the room. […]

Amazon Prime Day in Manchester

Amazon Prime Branded Sphere being Inflated inside Amazon Head Office Manchester

Amazon is continuously working with Bloon to promote new Amazon Fresh store launches and boost trade at their current stores across the UK. Amazon wanted to do something special for Prime Day, and of course, wanted to include some of its key inflatables to be used. The first location for Prime Day was at their […]

Pero Creative’s – Synopsys Stand

LED helium exhibition balloon

Pero Creative recently contacted Bloon to operate their client Synopsys, branded sphere at the Excel in London for the InfoSec exhibition for another year running. Pero Creative have worked closely with Bloon for a number of years. With multiple clients across the exhibition world, Bloon have provided and operated multiple branded spheres for their exhibition […]