Stoke On Trent Grenade Flight

As we continue through the months the more difficult it becomes to fly but that doesn’t stop us from finding opportunities to fly and promote Grenades Branded Hot Air Balloon. This time we took to the skies of Stoke On Trent. Starting at the top of Congleton and making away across Biddulph, Mow Cop, Tunstall, […]
Farm Fitness and Football

Another day another adventure with the Grenade team, this time we took to the balloon to Farm Fitness in Dunmow for a content day with Grenades influencers. The Bloon team has been trusted to with Grenades’ hot air balloon management. Farm Fitness is a fitness centre like no other! Based on the farming environment and […]
SkyHigh 2020 Isle Of Wight

Another year and another SkyHigh event, despite the challenges with Corona Virus and new social distancing laws we made the event safe and achievable. The beginning of SkyHigh did not look promising, with new laws coming into place for public events and distancing laws the event did not look achievable. With a lot of accurate […]
A Grenade?!

First Activation of The Grenade Special Shape Hot Air Balloon at Tanks A Lot
Giant Battery Balloon Takes To The Skies

28th November 2019 One of the latest additions to the (ever-growing) fleet of balloons operated by Bloon is the giant Panasonic Battery. Standing at some 120ft tall. This giant battery contains 105,000cu ft of air and is capable of flying pilot and 2-3 people. It really is quite the behemoth and a site to behold […]
Bloon’s Balloon

18th November 2019 Our shiny new branded hot air balloon is all done! We are really excited to be able to promote our own brand on our very own hot air balloon. We have some amazing plans for this balloon and it will be a fantastic tool to demonstrate how we can help our clients […]
Bloon Branded Hot Air Balloon Almost Complete

4th October 2019 Bloon is standing by our own product and service by having our very own demonstrator balloon made. Our super colourful hot air balloon will carry the Bloon logo digitally printed 3 times around the centre of the balloon. With each section or “gore” of the balloon in a colour from the extensive […]
Freshworks Airship Attends Europe’s Biggest Balloon Event

23rd September 2019 The spectacular Freshworks Airship was in attendance at Longleat Safari Park for SkySafari – Europes biggest annual balloon gathering and the second biggest balloon event in the world. The airship made flights across the event, which saw record numbers of people at the Wiltshire attraction between the 12th and 15th September. Stunning […]
Retro design Fanta Balloon Joins The Fleet

13th August 2019 We recently took delivery of this stunning Retro design Fanta hot air balloon. Sporting the logo from the early ’80s this fantastic 2 man balloon will be seen up and down the UK at balloon events. Bloon is so excited to be able to add more and more balloons to our ever-expanding […]
Airship Flight Over Birmingham

9th August 2019 On Saturday the 3rd August Bloon carried out the first-ever thermal airship flight over Birmingham city centre. Working with our client Freshworks again the airship took flight over Edgbaston cricket ground carrying the Freshworks branding and their charity #cricket4life hashtag. On this flight, we were delighted to be carrying photographers and videographers […]